These days, relying solely on Google for traffic is simply too risky. Especially as an affiliate.

The smart play? Focus on markets where you can capture & monetize the same audience of buyers, over & over – for years on end…

This is the Smartest Possible Way to Generate a Massive, Long-Term Affiliate Income...

Even if Google Never Sends You Another Visitor…

Watch the video to discover how:

Affiliate marketing is still one of the best ways to make serious money on the internet…

Especially with a business model like the ‘Conduit Method’, where you’re intercepting people in the final stages of a purchase decision with product-focused content. 

But the drawback of being an affiliate is that you don’t own the customer…

So you might be getting a $50 commission (or whatever) on each sale; meanwhile the brand you just referred them to is going to earn thousands from that same customer.

You have to be constantly driving new traffic and finding new customers.

It can definitely be profitable. But you’re never able to build long-term momentum; you’re always at the whim of Google’s next algo update.

But what if there was a way to get the best of both worlds?

What if you could still experience the ease of being an affiliate AND the benefits of “owning” the full customer lifecycle

Amazingly, this is actually possible. But it only works in certain types of markets, and with a specific strategy…

The Lazy Marketer Presents:

    • Discover the ultimate twist on the Conduit Method, where you not only intercept buyers – but also capture them for their full lifecycle

    • Discover 25 of the most ideal ‘Lifetime Buyer’ markets (and hundreds of sub-niches), as well as the smartest way to exploit untapped gaps & monetization strategies in each market.

    • Discover how to build your initial traffic base + capture an engaged, lifetime audience across every major channel (not just Google)

    • Discover advanced affiliate revenue strategies – including how to double your revenue without driving more traffic (or even additional referrals!)

    • Get an in-depth, insider tour of a Lifetime Buyer Conduit Site that generates over $900K+ a MONTH, directly from the founder who built it

This Also Includes a Live Mastermind Session: Get access to an exclusive mastermind + Q&A session that covers everything in depth, and gives you a chance to get clarification on anything or just brainstorm with us!

Let’s take a look at what’s inside each Module, in detail…

What You Get:

Module #1: The Buyer Tribes Business Model

  • Why this is the ultimate twist on the Conduit Method: You can still start out by intercepting buyers on the verge of a purchase decision… but instead of losing them forever (after the sale), this is how you can capture these buyers for life

  • Discover profitable, “conduit-friendly” markets where your audience will always be interested in buying stuff – for years and even decades.

  • Understand the 3 main differences between a “regular” market vs. a niche filled with lifetime buyers.

  • Learn how to capture your visitors, turn them from passive browsers into raving fans, and keep them incentivized to buy from your site, over and over again. (Even if you have NO products and only promote affiliate offers)

  • Understand the inner workings of a Buyer Tribe business as we dig into several real-life examples – including how they started, how they get traffic, how they capture their audience, and how they monetize the same people month after month!

Video Presentation (24:02) 

Module #2: Finding Lifetime Buyer Niches

  • Learn the 3 easiest ways to find lifetime buyer niches – they’re basically hiding in plain sight!

  • Dig into the 191-page mega-report that completely unmasks 25 of the most ideal Lifetime Buyer Markets (and, subsequently hundreds of their sub-niches).

  • For each market, we uncover:

    The Market Snapshot: Understand the size & growth rate of the wider market.
    Key Brands & Product Categories: We review the current market leaders & main types of products / niches.
    The Audience: We profile the main customer segments, and highlight key communities.
    Competitive Landscape: We pull apart 2-3 active affiliate publishers in the space, examining their traffic sources & revenue strategy
    Monetization Options: We examine the key affiliate offers & revenue drivers across the publisher space in each market.
    Strategic Gaps: We highlight several under-utilized opportunities in each market that other publishers are largely ignoring. (This is where the fortunes are made!)

Just a few examples include…

A hidden “career angle” in a $22.9 billion consumer market that opens up a whole new world of super profitable offers. While everyone else is skimping by on 4% Amazon commissions, you can be cleaning up, earning $X00+ per sale from the exact same audience… (on page 10)

A $48 billion luxury market that’s way bigger than most people realize, and chock full of buyers (the primary marketplace website has 5M monthly users!). Imagine earning commissions on sale prices anywhere from $5,000 – $200,000+… and these are collectors who typically buy new items at least once a year… (on page 91)

– A $23 billion recreational market that consists of every kind of purchase level, from $5 accessories to 6-figure equipment. But we think the smart play is to capture the endless traffic this market offers, and then focus on big-ticket rentals that pay a 20% commission on 4-figure AOVs. (Page 24)

And that’s truly just scratching the surface…

25 Lifetime Buyer Markets: Report (191 Pages) 

Video Presentation (11:41) 

Module #3: Growing a Buyer Tribe

  • Discover how to build your initial traffic base + capture an engaged, lifetime audience across every major channel, including…

  • The SEO Foundation: Understand the key to generating profitable buyer traffic right from day one, and then scaling a smart content strategy around it to ramp volume.

  • The Meta Ecosystem (FB & IG): Understand how to exploit Zuckerberg’s empire, capitalizing on exactly how the organic algos work, how to start from zero, and the smart way to capture that traffic into your own assets.

  • Twitter / X: It doesn’t work for every market, but when it makes sense, Twitter can be an absolute powerhouse of traffic & virality. Discover the best way to build a following fast (from zero), while attracting your ideal audience.

  • Reddit: A special touch is definitely required, but once you understand how Reddit works, the organic reach into virtually any market is incredible – and the amount of traffic on tap is truly astounding. Discover our 3 best traffic strategies for tapping the internet’s ultimate traffic firehose (and surviving the process!)

  • YouTube (and to an extent, TikTok): Understand how to crack the #2 search engine, and discover why video is such a powerful channel to tap.

  • Mastering the Flywheel: Last, discover how to amplify these channels together with your own (website, email) to literally multiply your growth. A simple adjustment to the way you promote new content could see your social audiences grow 3-4X faster, with virtually no additional effort!

And much more…

Video Presentation (38:28) 

Module #4: Advanced Revenue Strategies

  • Understand why “10X” thinking is usually misguided – and discover how multiplying revenues actually happens in the real world (and why it’s actually easier!)

  • Discover the ultimate revenue strategy for affiliates in particular, far and above anything else

  • Explore 3 practical, real-life examples of how to transform an otherwise “normal” website into a virtual ATM Machine through a few simple, straightforward strategies.

  • Discover the tools the pros use behind the scenes to create & automate these strategies with minimal cost & setup

  • Understand the reality of offering direct sponsorship to advertisers, how to sell it, and how to structure it the smart way (earning way more as a result!)

  • Explore how fortunes are made with Co-Branding & White Label offers, and when each approach makes the most sense.

  • Discover a massive affiliate revenue unlock that the big dogs use all the time to as much as double their incomes – just by adjusting their referral agreements with a clever, win-win twist!

  • And lastly, once you’re established, discover the ultimate growth & revenue strategy: Acquisitions & arbitrage. This is definitely not for newcomers, but this quick primer will paint a realistic picture of what’s involved, and how to get started when the time is right.

Video Presentation (26:31) 

Strategy Session: Live Brainstorm & Consultation

  • Unlike our previous Masterclasses where we just do a live AMA, this time we’re doing something much more interactive…

  • In a few weeks (TBA), we’ll do live brainstorming sessions for each of these modules.

  • You’re welcome to attend, and collaborate in real time as we investigate, brainstorm and map out strategies in real time for each module above. And of course, there will still be a no-holds-barred Q&A period as well

  • If you can’t attend – no worries – we’ll record the sessions and make it all available afterwards.

Live Strategy Session: Whiteboarding + Q&A with Chris Rempel (TBA)

Exclusive Interview: 8-Figure Affiliate Site Founder Shares All!

  • Join me and my good friend, as we discuss how he built a media brand from scratch, starting with just the Conduit Method as a primary strategy, and then expanding into a full-fledged media company with dozens of full time writers, journalists, publicists, etc.

  • Discover how he expertly taps into an otherwise “low value”, high-volume consumer market that aligns perfectly with a super profitable (but incredibly boring) product, earning as much as $1,000+ PER LEAD.

  • Furthermore, we discuss how to actually create a lifetime audience of avid fans who will begin to see your content as a “habit”, and why this is the key to escaping reliance on Google.

Bottom line: If nothing else, being able to deep-dive a real life, 8-figure affiliate business directly with the founder for more than an hour is worth WAY more than the small investment into this Masterclass…

Video Recording (1:28:19) 

Key Questions:


There are 2 main factors that make this different:

First, this is only possible in certain markets & sub-niches. Which is why we did extensive market research into 25 ideal ‘Lifetime Buyer’ markets in Module 2.

Second, systematically building a captive & engaged audience that actually wants to buy from you (especially as an affiliate) requires a specific strategy, which we cover in depth.

It’s not just as simple as creating good content or capturing emails.

Absolutely not.

Admittedly, even though it’s true, I’m being a bit facetious when I say that “Google could send you zero visitors, and this still works”.

In practice, I still view SEO as an obvious strategy. The point is more that you don’t want to be dependent on any one platform. If a temporary slip in rankings means you can’t pay your mortgage – that’s the wrong business to be in.

Instead, when you’re targeting Lifetime Buyer niches, there are many ways to capture an audience, and monetize it. It puts you in the driver’s seat… not Google (or any other platform).

No. Far from it.

And we discuss where & how to find other similar markets. But the 25 markets we researched are excellent starting points, and picture-perfect examples of a Lifetime Buyer market.

Remember, there are also dozens of viable niches within each market.

To be clear, each of the 25 markets we’ve spotlighted represents dozens (and in some cases, hundreds) of completely viable sub-niches.

So realistically speaking, the odds of you ending up in direct competition with another MasterClass member are so remote it’s barely worth mentioning. And even if that did happen, these markets range in size anywhere from $2 Billion – $50+ Billion in total sales.

Somehow, I doubt a single extra competitor is going to crush your dreams 😉

Obviously, no.

The Lazy Marketer generally attracts mature subscribers & customers who’ve been entrepreneurs for long enough to know that success is never guaranteed, and that there’s a number of variables (including luck) that factor into the equation.

So I’m basically including this here more out of compliance & legal prudence.

The main factors that make success more likely are being able to sell what’s in demand, being able to market those offers effectively, and having the perseverance to solve the (inevitable) challenges involved in starting any new venture.

Our job is to increase your odds, but we can’t guarantee any outcome.

Get Immediate Access...

Discover how to get the best of both worlds as an affiliate… generate hassle-free sales (where you don’t get bogged down with inventory, customer support, etc), while still “owning” the customer for years on end.

This is basically the Holy Grail of affiliate marketing. And this Masterclass lays out the whole strategy in unrestricted detail… as well as showcasing the most ideal markets, diving into several real-life examples, and more.

Get access to everything: all of the Modules, the 8-Figure founder interview, and the upcoming Live Mastermind…

Secure your spot for just $495, one time.

(Consider: You can barely buy a mediocre guest post for $495 these days)

Don't Miss Your Chance!

  • The Lifetime Buyer Formula
    – Module 1: Lifetime Buyer Business Model
    – Module 2: Finding Lifetime Buyer Niches
    – Module 3: Growing Your Buyer Tribe
    – Module 4: Advanced Revenue Strategies

    – Deep Dive: Live Brainstorming
    – Exclusive Interview: 8-Figure Affiliate Site
  • Hit The Ground Running…
    – Live Strategy & Brainstorming Session: Join us for a live whiteboarding exercise as we map out & analyze each module. (This will be recorded and made available in the user dashboard if you can’t attend).

Get lifetime access to everything for just $495, one time.


Digital delivery: You’ll be sent login/registration details via email to access your product within minutes of ordering.

Your satisfaction is guaranteed, according to our Terms & Conditions

Catching the Right Wave Can Change Everything...

If they’re honest (and if they’ve had enough to drink), most successful people will admit that while hard work & persistence are certainly a factor in their story…

…usually there was a pivotal moment that acted as a catalyst, forever changing their trajectory – setting everything else into motion.

Maybe it was building hundreds of AdSense scraper sites back in the early 2000’s.

Maybe it was being one of the first app developers on Shopify.

Maybe it was buying $500 worth of Bitcoin on a whim back in 2011 (now worth $83M).

Years ago, my “moment” was a random marketing experiment. I created a really basic shareware tool that promoted a related product, and uploaded it to, which took all of 20 minutes.

I completely forgot about it until weeks later, when my web host notified me about hitting my traffic limits. Curious, I logged into my affiliate dashboard… and my jaw dropped.

That stupid, 20-minute experiment ended up driving millions of downloads, and generated about $80K in affiliate revenue over the weeks to follow. This was the catalyst, and I doubled-down on the strategy… ultimately earning millions over the next few years as a result.

This then provided the foundation for going on to build real brands & businesses for nearly two decades now.

But I often wonder… what if I didn’t run that 20-minute experiment? What if I didn’t catch that initial wave?

Who knows.

What I do know is that my story isn’t the exception. Almost everyone I’ve met who’s “made it big” with something has had a similar catalyst or key decision that forever changed their trajectory.

For some – like me – it was basically random. But for others it was intentional; a calculated risk that paid off in spades.

As an entrepreneur, catching the right wave – even just once – can change everything. But you need to know where the waves are gonna be… and where to be positioned.

And that’s exactly what this Masterclass lays out in detail.

And there’s no reason this can’t be your wave to catch…

I hope to see you on the inside 😉


Chris Rempel
Founder, The Lazy Marketer

Don't Miss Your Chance!

  • The Lifetime Buyer Formula
    – Module 1: Lifetime Buyer Business Model
    – Module 2: Finding Lifetime Buyer Niches
    – Module 3: Growing Your Buyer Tribe
    – Module 4: Advanced Revenue Strategies

    – Deep Dive: Live Brainstorming
    – Exclusive Interview: 8-Figure Affiliate Site
  • Hit The Ground Running…
    – Live Strategy & Brainstorming Session: Join us for a live whiteboarding exercise as we map out & analyze each module. (This will be recorded and made available in the user dashboard if you can’t attend).

Get lifetime access to everything for just $495, one time.


Digital delivery: You’ll be sent login/registration details via email to access your product within minutes of ordering.

Your satisfaction is guaranteed, according to our Terms & Conditions

Results Disclaimer

There are a number of marketing & business growth strategies discussed on this site and inside the products showcased, along with a few examples of results from the author’s past experiences and endeavours. Growing a business, and generating results with marketing isn’t easy – it’s hard!

If it was easy… well, courses like this wouldn’t need to exist. The author has managed to produce impressive results with these strategies, but that’s also the cumulative result of years of determination, luck, perseverance and skill – and not just the specific strategies alone.

Your results will mostly depend on your own business acumen, experience and your business model. And you may not experience any results. Furthermore, the strategies described in this content may involve certain marketing & legal expenses to execute properly. The author strongly recommends that you consult with professionals who can advise you on how best to invest in the growth of your business, and how best to arrange client engagements, if you decide to act on some or all of the author’s suggestions.

I mean, seriously, just use common sense – and before taking action on anything, use this content as one of several sources that may inform any related decisions. To all the lawyers and people who love reading fine print, I hope reading this has been immensely satisfying.

For all intents and purposes, you should consider this content to be ‘for entertainment purposes only’.

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