Our privacy policy explains how we track user activity & handle user data.
The Lazy Marketer, a product series of Big Pixure Enterprises, Inc, does not collect or obtain any personally identifiable information about its users without their express consent. Users may opt to join the The Lazy Marketer email newsletter when they create an account for the service.
The Lazy Marketer uses a reputable, CASL compliant newsletter management service.
The Lazy Marketer only sends email communications to users who specifically request information. If a subscribed user wishes to unsubscribe from the newsletter for any reason, he or she may do so instantly by following the automated unsubscribe link, located in the footer of every email.
In addition, the user may email us help@thelazymarketer.com, or by mail at:
Big Pixure Enterprises, Inc
#600 – 3 Fan Tan Alley
Victoria, BC V8W 3G9
The data collected by our newsletter system will be used for marketing purposes related to Big Pixure’s products. The data will not be shared, sold, rented or distributed to any other party for any reason.
The Lazy Marketer uses audience targeting technology to reach out to previous visitors, via traditional, non-invasive advertising, as they use other popular websites. This occurs when users load our website, and our targeting technology loads a tracking cookie onto the users browser.
To opt-out and unsubscribe from our re-targeting campaigns, all you have to do is clear any cookies associated with The Lazy Marketer, or our 3rd party advertising services, which may include Adroll, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, and PerfectAudience. For easy instructions on how to remove cookie files, please see this 3rd party website.
The only additional information collected involuntarily from all visitors is basic geographic, referral, on-site navigation patterns and IP information for the purpose of tracking our website traffic statistics.
We use this data in order to improve our website & user experience, as well as measuring the effectiveness of our advertising & marketing efforts.
For users who do not explicitly consent to provide personally identifiable information (by way of agreement before subscribing to the service or a newsletter), this data is anonymized, and is not evaluated on a “user by user” basis, but rather in the aggregate on a mass scale. We look at the overall patterns based on the statistical information collected from thousands of visitors.
For users who do explicitly consent to provide personally identifiable information (by way of agreement before subscribing to the service or a newsletter), this data is used for internal marketing purposes, with the express purpose of improving the effectiveness of our marketing assets on our website, our product experience, and our advertising materials.
The data is collected (and stored) by the Google Analytics service. The data is stored securely and is not publicly available. Only Big Pixure Enterprises, Inc (ownership & staff) can access this statistical data, without exception. This data is collected through the use of a simple javascript script on each page of The Lazy Marketer, and does not interfere with or affect the user’s internet browsing program whatsoever.