The Lazy Marketer:

earnings disclaimer

TL;DR: Our content is for educational & entertainment purposes only. 

TOS Spotlight: Earnings Disclaimer

Marketing is often directly associated with revenue and/or profits, and while the services in our platform generally focus on the more technical aspects of driving traffic or optimizing performance, some users may feel that this implies a certain financial result for their marketing campaign.

Big Pixure Enterprises, Inc makes absolutely no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the financial impact of any insights or data provided by the services. Furthermore, you agree that any depiction or suggested use-case for our services is for educational & entertainment purposes only, and does not constitute any claim regarding potential income, does not constitute a business opportunity or a distributorship, and otherwise does not imply what kind of results you might personally experience by utilizing any of our services in connection with your own marketing activities.

Utilizing our services, insights & data may well have no impact on your marketing results whatsoever.

This is an Excerpt. Please see our full Terms of Service here

© 2021 Big Pixure Enterprises, Inc.